Choosing Your Rug Shape

25 May 2016

Area rugs protect your floors, add comfort and artistic value to a room's design and come in many different styles. They can be made with different fibres, different colours and are also available in different shapes. Choosing the right rug shape for your room can differ from room to room, décor and furniture, so there are a few things to consider when making a decision.

Rectangular rugs are the traditional shape. They are versatile and complement all rooms, especially larger ones. Rectangular area rugs are perfect for sectioning up a room like the living room since these rooms are generally the largest and have the most open spaces. Rectangular rugs placed in front of the couch should at least be the same width as the couch. So bigger is better.

Modern black abstract rug
Flower Ash

Flower Ash styled by Ioanna Lennox Interiors

While not the most common rug shape, round rugs are considered playful and cosy so are generally best suited to playful rooms like kids rooms, family rooms and large bathrooms. A round shape in a square room can help soften the space and can make small spaces feel larger. If a round area rug is placed in a large foyer, it should be centred under the light fixture to create balance. A round dining table should also be complemented with a centred round rug.

Round blue rug

Custom Elwin rug designed by Assorted Spaces

Longer rugs are of course for the hallway and some instances, stairways. These rugs make a dramatic statement while adding elegance that ties in with your other rooms. In a hallway, stretch the rug length to fill the space with even spacing on both ends for balance to make it feel larger and longer. We have created many stunning stairway and hall runners that instantly made the room more open and bright.

Shape hall runner rug

Stunning custom Versailles runner install designed by Evolve Styling

If you have the need for a smaller rug, choose something with bold patterns or colours since it can make your room look bigger. A tip to remember is to get a simple natural fibre rug like sisal, jute or seagrass and layer your smaller rug on top. Layering creates contrast and brings a pleasing textural element to your room.

Then there are the more freeform shapes like youthful love hearts that suit kids rooms and animal skins that work in less structured rooms. So although there may be rules for decorating and styling rugs, what it all comes down to is personal taste.

Your floor rug shape is only limited by your imagination at The Rug Establishment. View our stock collection and custom rug designs for your next project.

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